Monday, January 2, 2012

New Year, New You!

A blessed & successful New Year to you all!

Many folks start off the New Year with resolutions that deal with their weight, most often, weight loss. For some, this works. For most, it doesn't.

This year, my focus will instead be on "being healthier".

I plan on being able to accomplish this through the use of healthier foods, better portion control and just getting back into the habit of focusing a bit on taking care of me. I only have one body and I should be treating it with a little bit more respect than I have been.

So join me if you would like...

Change & promise to myself #1:
Eat a wholesome "quick" breakfast every day!

Instead of going for the quick cereal in a box, I aim to make hot, healthy, high protein & iron cereal a part of my day by making a large batch once a week and storing it in convenient serving sized containers that I will be able to heat easily each morning.

Spelt Breakfast Porridge
2 cups rolled Spelt (soaked & dehydrated)
2 cups filtered water
1 t. Celtic Sea Salt
4 T. Freshly Milled Flax Seed (you can use a coffee bean mill)

Bring water to boil, adding Salt.
Add Rolled Spelt & Flax.
Cook on medium/low heat for 2 minutes, stirring.
Turn off heat.
Placing lid on pot allow to stand for several hours, up to 24 hours.
Divide into serving containers for storage in refrigerator.

Reheat on stovetop by adding a small portion of water to pot & mixing in porridge. Stir over medium/low heat until warmed...shouldn't take longer than 3 minutes.

Serve as desired: adding nuts, dried fruits, spices, etc.

Here's to your dedication to meeting all your goals this year!
Would love to hea from you - your successes, your ideas, etc!